Bee Glade Farm
About Bee Glade
Fibre Arts
Three Fates Spinning
Three Fates Weaving
For Sale
Vintage Windows and Fibre Painting
Water Lilies
Garden Photos
Kay's Garden
Invasive Plants in the Kootenays
Concrete Garden Art
Garden Art
Bees & Pollinators
Garden Insects
Garden Creatures
Cats and...
Quotable & Mural
We apologize to our regular customers who have grown with us, & we have appreciated your support over the years.
'Garden Peach' Tomato
in the greenhouse... the hired help, slacking off again...
Original small greenhouse
Painted work table in greenhouse
Alpine Strawberry ~ Fragaria vesca 'Ruegen' grown from seed. We sell these strawberry plants and other varieties.
Hardy geraniums for sale in 5" pots
In-Ground Greenhouse (approx 18' x 32'): winter 2010
'Ceylon' tomato
Basil & pepper plants in greenhouse
'Garden Peach' tomato
...down at the bottom of the garden...
Lollo Rosso lettuce starts
Hover on the images for more info. Enjoy!